“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
Dr. Seuss

Friday, June 6, 2008

Speech delivered by Shelia Ferrell to the Smith County School Board on May 20, 2008

Chairman, Mr. Lewis and the members of the Smith County School Board, I would like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to address the board as a voice for the parents, teachers, community residents and most importantly the students of New Middleton School. I want to make it very clear that we in no way are trying to run the school board. But under the circumstances, we feel as taxpayers, we have a voice and deserve to be heard.

The parents, community, teachers and students have been taken totally by surprise with the recent news of Mr. Lewis’ decision not to contract with Mrs. Becky Hackett as principal of NMS for the 2008 – 2009 school year. We do realize that the director/superintendent of schools in the state of Tennessee, not the board, has the sole responsibility for placing principals.

I am in no way expressing any disrespect toward you Mr. Lewis. In fact, through your leadership as a principal at Forks River and Smith Co. High School for many years, you instilled in your students and your staff the importance of standing for what you believe is right.

As a 23 year veteran of the Smith County school system, Mrs. Becky Hackett has worked so hard to maintain a superior performance record. Mrs. Hackett has shown an outstanding level of character and earned the highest respect of past and current students, parents, teachers and principals across the entire system and residents countywide. For a few moments I want to talk to you about Becky Hackett’s level of character and the caliber of principal she really is. I would even remind you that I have been told by previous board members, other teachers and principals that even Mr. Lewis himself has been know on many occasions over the years to express his appreciation and admiration for Mrs. Hackett’s performance as a principal. I was told just last Thursday by a previous board member that in the four years he served on the board, Mr. Lewis was repeatedly praising Mrs. Hackett’s work and her character in the presence of this board.

As we met on Wednesday of last week with Mr. Lewis in the central office boardroom (or in this very room) there were over 50 concerned parents, teachers and student on hand. We held a public meeting on Sunday at the Brush Creek Community Center with over 125 supporters, which included four county commissioners. The outpour of love and support for Becky Hackett to be contracted for the coming school year as principal for NMS was overwhelming to say the least. And, this afternoon the numbers speak for themselves.

Mrs. Hackett is more than just the backbone of NMS, she is truly the heart of the school. As I reviewed the Tennessee Licensure Standards of an Administrator, I felt confident that Mrs. Becky Hackett meets and in many cases exceeds all six standards developed by the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium. It wasn’t shocking however, that in all six standards, the first six words that began the sentence read “Promote the success of all students”. I believe everyone represented here today will attest to the fact that this is exactly what Becky Hackett is driven by each and every day…

Mrs. Hackett truly promotes the success of all students. She leads by example among her peers, she sets teaching standards at New Middleton which gives every child a fair opportunity to succeed both academically and socially. I am reminded by some of the following examples, just how valuable Mrs. Hackett is to NMS and the Smith County School system as a whole. She is a role model for other principals in the system and teachers throughout the system.

We have numerous people driving past not one but two other schools in our system just to bring their children to NMS.

We have people from out of state (New York) that recently considered various states to relocate before choosing Tennessee and Smith Co as their home. They spent hours reviewing and visiting the elementary schools in our system. They settled on NMS after more than one visit with Mrs. Hackett and the staff at NMS.

Mrs. Hackett and the staff at NMS believe in producing well rounded students. This concept has been embraced by each teacher at NMS and is practiced daily. This is one of the key components to the success of the NMS system and is the most important thing that brings the students to NMS. Our government in all it’s wisdom has determined that test scores are the best measure of a schools success and in 2007 and previous years New Middleton’s test scores have exceeded the State average. From 2003 – 2007 New Middleton Elementary obtained a Good Standing status in the No Child Left Behind program, when other schools within our system have received a Target and Targeted Assistance status during those time periods. I might add that in the Teacher Quality From Report Card 2007, New Middleton Elementary received a 100% Core Courses Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers, when at least three other elementary schools were less than 100%. Of course, we all know that the truth of the matter is that test scores alone don’t confirm that a student makes a solid citizen. But good test scores coupled with the development of core personal qualities such as character, self confidence, compassion, respect and integrity do produce top achievers. We contest that New Middleton School is producing future leaders for this community and many others that will have what so many in today’s world seem to lack, common sense. I am convinced after an 18 year career in the banking industry and hours of volunteer involvement in many civic and charitable organizations, an ounce of common sense is worth more than a pound of book sense.

We are talking about a lady that serves as an outstanding role model for parents and students alike. She leads by example in the school and in the community. Wherever she goes, she sets a superior example as a member of the Smith County School System.

We definitely have something in Becky Hackett worth standing for, when you consider that we have parents driving 800 miles round trip weekly due to the father’s transfer as a pastor just to keep their child and grandchild in New Middleton School.

Another characteristic of Mrs. Hackett is her overwhelming knowledge of each and every student at New Middleton School. Not only can Becky Hackett tell you the name of every student, she knows the name of the parents and/or guardian of the child, she knows what the majority of them drive and what is going on in children’s home life that might affect them in school. She reacts to every abnormal situation to protect the interest of the student.

Mrs. Hackett is so conscious of every student’s normal behavior. A parent shared her experience from this school year of receiving a call from Mrs. Hackett regarding a change in the eating pattern of her first grade student. Upon receiving this information, the parent could pin point the problem as a recent change in the child’s medication. How many other principals and even teachers keep this kind of a mental record of their students, remember that is 250 plus students.

In the last week I and many other parents here have had the great pleasure to attend end of the year programs at New Middleton School. Let me tell you this is another prime example of taking education to the next level and I commend the New Middleton staff and supporting parents who work so well together to make various educational skits happen throughout the school year. What better way to allow children to develop and express their creativity.

Folks, when we as parents put our children in the hands of the staff at New Middleton School (I mean the principal, the teachers, cooks, janitors and other special service providers) we are confident and have a piece of mind that our children are in an environment where they are safe, where they are treated fairly, where each one is respected regardless of their social status or background and where they are being challenged to develop not only academically but socially. Most of all, they are loved by those who spend more quality time with them than even we do.

If you remove Becky Hackett from the equation at New Middleton Elementary, you should be prepared for some failing away in the New Middleton system. Mrs. Hackett is the glue that holds things together. I think any of you that have worked in the business word for any amount of time can attest to the fact that every successful organization is build on a strong leader. Mrs. Hackett can not and has not pleased every parent in her 23 years of service. But, I can tell you that even some of those parents who haven’t always been pleased are here tonight, because she has earned their respect.

I say to you Mr. Lewis and elected members of the Smith County School Board, why would you want to fix something that is not broken? Mr. Lewis our prayer is that you will reconsider your decision and you will do what’s best and what’s right for the students at New Middleton School, by signing another year’s contract with Becky Hackett for the principal position at our school.


psfriend said...

Mrs. Ferrell did a wonderful job delivering her speech. I am so proud you have her to assist you. I want you to know that I am a concerned citizen of this county. I care about your school. You are in my prayers.
Becky... keep your head up. You are great!! You deserve all the support that you are receiving.
I feel the winds of change blowing. Perhaps Aug. 7 will make a difference in all of this mess. I continue to believe that the voices of citizens make a difference. I am proud that we have that voice. Your Friend in Pleasant Shade

4NMS said...
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4NMS said...

Dear PSfriend,
We need support from all over the county! Call your board member (Hal Givens- 774-3496) and tell him that you are not happy with the way Smith County Education is going. We will be at the Arts Festival Saturday at Ivy Agee Park in Gordonsville. Stop by and talk to us. Also, join us June 17 at 5:00 at the Smith County Board of Education for the next board meeting. Mr. Lewis and the board members need to see that this is not just a New Middleton issue anymore! Hopefully things will change after Aug. 7. Keep praying! Thanks for your support!

Jackie O'Neill said...

Has anyone talked to an attorney to see what legal action can be taken on behalf of the children. They are the victims of all of this. Academically & emotionally they are suffering & will continue to suffer. They are the ones that will be going back to school in August with the tension, stress & sadness on their shoulders. Maybe a large class action suit against Mr. Lewis & the Smith County Board of Education will wake them up. It certainly will get their attention not to mention the media attention that it would bring. Just think $100,000 per child at even 200 children.....$20 million dollars would get us some attention.

4NMS said...

You are so right! Please join us June 17 at 5:00 at the Smith County Board of Education. The issue will be brought up again. You may want to talk to Bill Barrick. He is an attorney and one of the members of our group. He has been awesome! If that happens don't forget about the teachers! Thanks for all your support! Remember this is not over!

cb52 said...

THANKS, JACKIE, for thinking outside the box. We hope things will start moving soon.
Keeping thinking, bloging, and come on the next meeting at the BOE on June 17th.

Anonymous said...

The "good ole boy" bully system has finally (FINALLY) been challenged. Roger Lewis has run this school system into the ground for years without regard for any of the teachers, parents, or children. Many of us have had to find jobs away from this system just to be able to be the professionals we are. There has been a systematic and deliberate attempt to "run out of town" anyone who challenges him. His way or the highway. I urge everyone in this county who has children, will have grandchildren, or even vaguely cares about children to step in, speak up, and stop this bully.

4NMS said...

Please join us Sunday at the Ag Center, 3:00. We would love to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

I will be there - if all the people who have left this county would come forward there would be a world of new information about the pattern of what has been going on - including the systematic removal of administrators in the education association.

lbjesse said...

We are so glad you are coming. Invite your friends!!We don't want to lose momentum.